Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Disneyland break!

Charlotte with her new best friend, Mickey. She hugged him, imitated him (Hoo hooo!), high-fived him, and gave him a sweet kiss on the tip of the nose. I think the mouse was smitten.

Disneyland with toddlers is nothing more than a really expensive photo op. The above picture, and the accompanying video (not yet posted) was worth the considerable cost. Charlotte's dad taught her weeks ago to imitate Mickey, and we've been saying "What does Mickey say?" since.

We had no way of knowing whether she would remember when she actually met the international star, or if she would freeze. But in the video, Charlotte turns back to her mom after greeting Mickey, and said "Hoo hoo!" like "Isn't that right, Mom?"

So this was why I couldn't post. We got to the hotel on Saturday night and I realized that I had no computer. So look for a new post late Saturday night. Oh, yeah, I'm getting married that day. Maybe I'll post Friday. But definitely by Sunday!